Subject Matter

Legal Areas Practiced by Corbet F. Bryant, Jr.

Subject Matter Experience in Trials

Through thirty-nine years of litigation practice, Mr. Bryant tried lawsuits and arbitrations in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Florida, New York, and Hawaii, as well as nearly two dozen counties in Texas. Approximately half of the trials involved securities. The other half covered a broad spectrum of civil disputes.

Mr. Bryant has tried major cases lasting three days to eight weeks with amounts in controversy from $1,000,000 to $20,000,000, including ones in the following subject matters:

  • Usury, repurchase, and reverse repurchase agreements
  • Fraud in the sale of various insurance products
  • Ownership of oil interests, the statute of frauds, breach of contract
  • Professional negligence of an engineer in a multi-use building
  • Slander, libel, and tortious interference with business
  • Negligence and Deceptive Trade Practices Act involving the collapse of a dock in Houston ship channel
  • Unsuitability and unauthorized trading in pharmaceutical stock
  • Attorney malpractice
  • Fraud and breach of fiduciary duty
  • Construction defects in a warehouse
  • Texas Securities Act, negligence, trading away, 30 plaintiffs
  • Rule 10b-5
  • Negligent hiring, fraud, and deceptive trade practices

In addition, Mr. Bryant has tried jury and non-jury trials and arbitrations with lesser amounts in controversy involving the following substantive areas, claims, and procedural issues:

  • Trademarks, service marks, products liability (automobiles)
  • Whistleblower claims, wrongful termination employee commissions, Title VII, Sec. 1981 racial discrimination, Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Professional malpractice of attorneys, engineers, and architects, including involving bills of review
  • Foreclosures, real estate limited partnership issues, home construction defects or warranty claims, oil and gas drilling
  • Slip and fall personal injury
  • Automobile accident
  • Sale of dental practice
  • Will construction
  • Declaratory judgments, mandamus injunctions
  • Securities churning, securities office raiding, Business Conduct Committee hearings, options, shorting, Regulation T
  • Franchisor – franchisee disputes, dealership (fast food) termination
  • Non-competition clause, unfair competition
  • Sherman Act and other antitrust issues
  • Champerty
  • Fire losses on commercial property
  • Double indemnity in life insurance
  • Negligent treatment for vermin, breach of contract
  • Ratification, estoppel, and waiver, laches, statutes of repose, the statute of limitation
  • Numerous venue and jurisdiction disputes